All Different – All Equal

Exercise TitleAll Different – All Equal
PurposeThe exercise on values of diversity and potential challenges for discrimination and intolerance especially in a diverse context of EU
DescriptionThe CoE’s ‘Take a step forward’ activity from COMPASS is adapted for online use.  Each of the participants received a private message from the facilitators with description of a character they need to ‘play’ in this activity. In the common Discord channel some questions were posted in order to guide the participants to reflect and imagine the life of their characters. The second step of the activity happened on a provided Jamboard link where participants are provided with 15 statements and they will need to check how many of them apply to their character. The third step was on the second page of the same Jamboard where the participants needed to position themselves on the ladder according to the number of statements that apply to them. 
 After some time, when everybody has completed the task, they were asked to get out of their roles and answer the following question in the common Discord channel:
1. How did you feel when you could relate to the statement and climb one step of the ladder? And how did you feel when you couldn’t? 
2. Did anyone feel that there were moments when their basic human rights were being ignored? 
3. A. Question for those who are on 6-15 level of the ladder: What do you think which characters are at the bottom of the ladder (1-5)? 
Question for those who are on 1-6 and 11-15 level of the ladder: What do you think which characters are in the middle of the ladder (6-10)? 
Question for those who are on 1-10 level of the ladder: What do you think which characters are at the top of the ladder (11-15)?
4. Does the exercise mirror society in some way? How? 
5. What first steps could be taken to address the inequalities in society?
Tools usedJamboard and Discord