Educational resources

Gamification in non-formal education and youth work

Throughout the GamifyEU project, we had the chance to produce and implement many various learning and development activities to achieve the goals of bringing young people of Europe closer together and strengthen their relation to the Europe itself.

Due to the many challenges caused by the pandemic, we had to re-create each activity and transfer most of it online, therefore we had to be very creative and innovative to be able not only to achieve the main goals, but to keep young people on board and engaged as much as possible. We have focused on co-creation and learner-centered approach, using many relevant online platforms and digital tools to support the exchange and facilitate the learning through different digital and online methods as small group work, discussions, moving debates, stimuli and content (videos, texts, illustrations, sound) reflection and expression, drawing and writing, presentation, simulations, real life practice and various creative processes.

It is important to mention that, whenever the situation and conditions allowed, we experimented and implemented the hybrid and blended types of activities, where the national teams could occasionally meet in person, and then exchange the views with their European peers online. We have selected number of examples of such activities and methods that we believe could be useful for the readers of this publication. The exercises and methods are extracted from variety of different online activities done to inspire or showcase ways how to approach the digital transformation and gamification in working with young people on specific topics covered by this project. Some are selected because of the interesting and creative ways the digital tools and platforms are used for achieving the goals, some because of the innovative and interactive methodology applied and some because of specific topic that they are presenting.

We hope you will find the inspiration in them and try to apply them in your work, maybe build on them or even try and invent your own!

Selected Activities

Selected Methods

EU and YOU

1 on 1 with Policy Makers


Digital tools and online learning in youth work