What is the EU we want?

Exercise TitleWhat is the EU we want?
PurposeProvide participants with space to reflect on and express their needs within EU and to make participants understand their role in EU voting through interactive debate method.

Participants get the instructions that they will hear statements regarding their future as EU citizens and they have to place themselves in accordance with the extent they agree with a statement from ‘I agree’ to ‘I disagree’. Paper tape in put in the middle of the room on the floor to show starting point and neutral opinion. (10 min). 

The sentences are asked according to the topics: 

– education: Higher education should be mandatory.
– environmental protection: Nuclear power is cheap and easy to produce but extremely harmful for environment. EU should forbid countries to produce and use it. 
– media: Hate speech against cultural minorities is wide spread on internet. There should be a control over everything we post on social media. 
– healthcare: Everyone has the right to a minimum wage per month, unconditionally. 
– employment: An internship in public institutions is a great once-in-lifetime opportunity to develop your career and skills. People shouldn’t be paid for that. 
– youth mobility: Youth mobility should be mandatory in school in order to promote European common understanding. 
– inclusion and human rights protection: Minorities (Migrants, LGBTQI+, PWD….) should have the same mandatory representation quotas. 

2. Participants listen to the statements, react accordingly and discuss their opinions. In order to ensure that participants respect each other, they raise their hands before speaking. (60 min) 

3. Debriefing (10 min): 
– Which of the discussions was the most engaging for you? 
– Why are all of these topics important for the future of EU? Have you ever thought about them before? 
– How can you personally influence them?
Tools usedRoom, Tape, Questions prepared